These represent currently active congregations affiliated with Prison Congregations of America. Some, but not all, were assisted by PCA in their startups. For easier reference, they are categorized by denomination. Most have websites listed here and can be found on Facebook as well.
American Baptist
Church of Hope
South Dakota Women's Prison,
Pierre South Dakota
Mission Hope in Sioux Falls
Website: churchofhopepierre.org
Pastor, Sharon Ball
Christian Reformed Church
Celebration Fellowship
Grand Rapids, MI
Website: https://celebrationfellowship.org/
Pastor, Bob Arbogast
New Life Prison Community
Newton, IA
Website: http://www.newlife-prison.org/
Pastor, Rick Admiraal
Disciples of Christ
St. Francis of Assisi Christian Church
*Church of Another Chance
Nashville, TN
Website: http://www.churchofanotherchance.org/
Pastor, Michael Corder pastormichael@churchofanotherchance.org
This congregation consists of men who are being held in the Davidson County jail system.
*New Life in Christ Christian Church
Louisville, KY
Website: https://www.missionbehindbarsandbeyond.org
Pastor, Carol Wieger
This congregation consists of women who have been released from prison into a halfway house
*Congregations that are not operating inside a prison facility
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Community of St. Dysmas
Baltimore Area, MD
Website: http://www.stdysmasmd.org/
Pastor, Susan Beck pastor@communitystdysmas.com
This was Pastor Ed Nesselhuf’s first prison congregation, in 1984.
St. Dysmas Prison Ministry Of South Dakota
Sioux Falls, SD
Website: www.stdysmas.com
Pastor, Jeff Backer
When Pastor Ed returned to South Dakota from the East Coast, he brought the model to Sioux Falls.
The first worship service was held at the South Dakota State Penitentiary in May, 1990.
St. Dysmas
Springfield, SD
Website: www.stdysmas.com
Pastor, David Bentz
Church of the Damascus Road Texas
New Beginnings Worshiping Community
Denver, CO
Website: https://www.newbeginningswc.org
Pastor, Samm Melton-Hill pastormeltonhill@gmail.com
Followers of Christ
Lincoln, NE
Website: http://www.osllincoln.org/prison-ministry.html
Pastor Rob Corum
Church of the Damascus Road
Living Stones
Shelton, WA
Website: https://www.livingstonespc.org
Freedom In Christ
Deer Lodge, MT
Website: http://www.ficprisonministry.com
Pastor, Marlow Carrel
Breaking the Chains Church
Milwaukee, WI
Website: https://milwaukeesynod.org/breaking-the-chains/
Pastor, David Rebey
Santa Isabel Ministry to Immigrants
Elizabeth, NJ
Website: https://www.njsynod.org/copy-of-domestic-mission
Pastor, Ramon Collazo pastorsantaisabel@yahoo.com
Grace and Hope Fellowship
Presbyterian USA
Hagar’s Community Church
Gig Harbor, WA
Website: https://www.hagarscommunitychurch.com/
Pastor, Deanna Gemmer
Reformed Church In America
Living Stone Prison Church
United Methodist Church
Grace Place
The Oasis
Ocala, FL
Website: https://theoasislci.org/
Pastor, Kathy Yoakum